The beginning of Alpha Ralpha Boulevard

Alpha Ralpha Boulevard is a long-abandoned highway that begins some distance from Earthport City. It climbs high up into the sky, eventually reaching a point half-way up the main shaft of Earthport Tower. By starting here, you can reach the Abba-dingo, a long-obsolete computer, located part of the way up Earthport Tower. The Abba-dingo is regarded as a god by the underpeople and humans occasionally seek it out as an oracle. At the top of the boulevard you can continue up inside Earthport, visiting several interior locations before ending up in the Landing Roof Lobby at the top. The Abba-dingo is regarded as a god by the underpeople and humans occasionally seek it out as an oracle.

You can make the journey up the boulevard by either clicking on the links or by moving your mouse over the invisible links (located in the logical direction of travel).

Continue up Alpha Ralpha Boulevard.


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